Silent hunter 4 submarine classes
Silent hunter 4 submarine classes


The rest of the player’s time will be spent anticipating and studying. In the beginning, a simple interface and training assist comprehension and involvement in the game. The environment is what makes you relax, listen to the ocean waves, look through the binoculars at the endless water surface, and then quickly make the right decision while barely noticing the enemy. The second is a solo mission with no limitations on movement and no obligation to follow the developers’ direction. Silent Hunter 4 Codex game modes are available: single-player quest, patrol, and campaign. The boat is literally piloted in the first person by the crew at different stations, which is popular in the genre. During World War II, naval Silent Hunter 4 reloaded warships were used to carry out both operations. As a true commander, the player must keep track of his own crew’s success and replace exhausted staff on time. The episode was produced by the same Ubisoft team that created the most memorable, open, and powerful undersea simulation experience in history.

silent hunter 4 submarine classes


Silent Hunter 4 Crack Take charge of submarines and crew members as you cruise the treacherous waters of the Pacific in Silent Hunter, the longest-running naval warfare simulation franchise, returns to its roots with next-generation visual realism, interactive gameplay, creative crew creation, and more action than ever before.


She earned her own footnote in World War II history by being the only Soviet warship to attack a German battleship, the mighty Tirpitz, during an unsuccessful attempt to chase her down when she broke of her attack on the ill-fated Convoy PQ-17 on 5 July 1942 (*).Download Full Game + Crack Silent Hunter 4 Wolves of the Pacific Gold Edition Crack Codex Download The lone survivor of the class, the aforementioned K-21, was saved for historical purposes and preserved as a museum ship at Severmorsk Courage Square in Murmansk. Five K class boats were lost during the war, mostly to mines, and the survivors continue to serve until the late 1950s, when all but one were decommissioned and scrapped as newer fleet boats became available to replace them. The German invasion also effectively killed plans to build twenty-four more to an improved design which we know in the West as the KU class. The Germans had no use for the two left behind, which the Soviets were able to recover later and finish after the war. There were only twelve, all built starting in 1939 at the Marti Yard in Leningrad and all but two evacuated and completed later after the German invasion of Russia in 1941.

silent hunter 4 submarine classes

The Soviets let the Americans look at class member K-21 in 1944, and while the Americans ultimately concluded that they were inferior to their own Gato type fleet boats, they did begrudge it the complement of being "workmanlike" (Wikipedia). They were excellent boats by Soviet standards, their design tailored for the tight waters of the Baltic while at the same time having the extended range necessary for open ocean operations, with excellent handling and very good dive times. I see you former silent service men nodding your heads at that (grin).

silent hunter 4 submarine classes

Serving aboard a K class boat was a privilige for any Soviet sailor lucky to get assigned to one, because they had the best of everything - including better central air and vent systems than any other Soviet sub class, showers, a small kitchen for cooking meals, and an individual bunk for every crewman. They were the direct successors to the S or Stalinets class boats, replacing the four boats of the failed P or Pravda class, and their design came about in 1936 due to the Soviet desire to have a very long range cruiser type submarine capable of extended operations against their enemies. On the whole they were as good as anybody else's larger fleet boats (large oceangoing submarine), although the part they played in what the Russians call the Great Patriotic War tends to get obscured here in the West.


The Soviet K class boats, also known as Series XIV, were the largest and among the most successful submarines of their type in the Soviet Navy ( Sovetsky flot) during World War II.

Silent hunter 4 submarine classes